sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Culinary Meeting 29 Aug 2014

The 29 August meeting gathered 9 friends, only 4 bottles of wine, a lot of water because of very tropical temperatures, and the great dishes made by chef de cuisine Claudia and her sous-chef. .
We had:
- oven fried potatoes stuffed with marinated bacon, and sage (salvia);
- pooched pears with time-honey and gorgonzola;
- focaccia with pork sausage and another one with tomatoes;
- a salad of bacalhau and chickpea;
- vitello tonnato
- tzatziki;
- small pies with various cheeses;
as dessert:
- cake drenched in homemade liquor, mirtillos, and covered by a whipped cream sweeted with stevia, vanilla and grand marnier.

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